
Linus Embe, CEO, Association for Community Awareness, Cameroon

The Association for Community Awareness (ASCOA) required professional strategy planning advice but as a not for profit, we did not have the funds to pay for a full-time employee. The Giving Tree helped bridge that gap by connecting us with highly skilled consultants who produced professional-level, usable end results in a short time frame. By listening, interacting and providing us with strategy and advice, The Giving Tree consulting team enabled us to secure more funding and do more for those in our community. The skilled volunteers that were curated and matched to our requirements by GT are also a fantastic resource; they are there with you because they truly care about your organization's mission.


Sara Arjmandnia, Iran

I always wanted to work with an organization related to the field of sustainability and this opportunity gave me a chance to be able to put my knowledge into practice. My work involved providing a waste management initiative and establishing circular economy strategies. I was working with two others from two different continents as a strategy team and it was a fantastic experience to brainstorm with them and conceptualise ideas to develop the organization's strategy. After I accomplished my work, I realized that there are always possibilities to make changes and provide help, no matter where you live. It connected me with other professionals around the world as well as learn new skills.


Ayra Peter, Student, India

Hi, I'm Ayra Susan Peter and I am in the tenth grade. I helped contribute by researching volunteering opportunities and finding out and coming up with other interesting ideas children could conduct to help make an impact on the community. I did this research mainly because I felt that maybe some of the ideas I had, ones that I couldn't work on myself, could be conducted by others who were interested in them.


Cara Margetts, Australia

On my university summer break, I was seeking an impactful way to build my experience within strategy planning and community project development. I applied to collaborate on the strategic plan of an African organization and was successful in joining a remote team of two other volunteers. The organization tackles humanitarian initiatives ranging from peace education in schools to HIV prevention in the wider community. I have learned so much from working alongside the team and my fellow strategy advisors. I am proud of the strategy and research skills I have developed by collaborating with experts in business development, environmental strategy and non-profit management.
